ColorTube New Main Sample

ColorTube Font

Colortube is my first color OTF font, created with the help of the great Adobe Illustrator extension Fontself. It is something that I started working on few years after I created Multicolore, but I never actually finished. The summer of 2017 the lovely folks at Fontself made me revive this project and here it is – a fully fledged OTF color font!

System requirements

Requires Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 or Adobe Illustrator CC 2018! If used in a lower version of both programs the font will default to black (monochrome only).

ColorTube-close www-pattern
ColorTube meemo Samples
ColorTube www patterns

For now ColorTube supports Basic Latin character set. In the future I’m planning to add accented character and diacritics, as well as Cyrillic.

You may also notice that not all endings or crossings are following the “color overlay” logic, but that’s because I’ve just made some changes to make it more appealing, at least to me.

ColorTube Samples A-to-P


Creative Commons License
ColorTube OTF Font by Ivan Filipov is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


  • March 2018: Updated and improved kerning, added alternate glyphs
  • October 2017: Initial 1.0 Release

How to Install a Font

If you don’t know who to install fonts on your computer, please read these, kindly supplied by

If you find Colortube valuable for your design projects, donations are welcome. I would also appreciate if you send me your designs involving Colortube or to tag your Instagram posts #Colortube