Tricolore is a multicolored typeface in EPS (Adobe Illustrator) format.
Following the success of Multicolore vector typeface, I’m happy to present you Tricolore. Based exclusively on Multicolore shapes, this iteration is simpler in number of colors, but includes more color palettes and gives you creative freedom to create short texts for headlines, posters, logos or anything else.
[symple_icon icon=”fa-exclamation-triangle” size=”normal” fade_in=”false” float=”left” color=”#fff” background=”#000″ border_radius=”99px” url=”” url_title=””][symple_highlight color=”blue”]NOTE: this is not a font and you cannot write with it in your favorite program – you will need a vector editing application like Adobe Illustrator to assemble your designs.[/symple_highlight]
Tricolore Vector Typeface by Ivan Filipov is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
How to use
Download link at Behance.net:
[symple_button url=”https://www.behance.net/gallery/23750263/TriColore-FREE-Font” color=”green” size=”large” border_radius=”3px” target=”self” rel=”” icon_left=”fa-download” icon_right=””]Download at Behance[/symple_button]
If you like my work and put Tricolore for a good use in your project, you can donate to my Paypal:

Some helpful advice: when moving and aligning characters, ALWAYS choose Vertical Align Center (as shown on the screenshot). Letters like O and C are slightly bigger to optically better fit into your design, so they must be aligned like that.

Colors swatches for every color palette are Global, which means that if you want to change one of the 3 colors (or all of them, respectively) you can double-click on the desired color swatch in the Swatches floating palette, specify desired values and save the swatch. The colors will change for every letter in your design.